We took a little holiday while Mum was here in Perth. We went to a place down in the south of Western Australia. I guess you could call it South West Australia, or West South Australia - actually I think that is a different place all together.

Like the true Brits that we are, it didn't matter that it was a late spring day, and the sea was freeziing, and the sky was a colour more often seen on the sides of warships (have you heard of Battleship Gray?), we ventured to the beach for some construction sessons.

Annaliese, and Daisy, and Jane, and Mum, oh, and me, all enjoyed outselves, as you can see. Annaliese thought it was fabulous that she could crawl around as far as she liked without any barriers, or us coming to get her back. (We were the only people we could see on the 10-15kms of beach). She did get a shock when she crawled into where the waves were gently lapping at the sand.

You'll note that we had a beach cottage, which was only 15 seconds from the beach - in fact I was standing on the walkway to the beach when I took the photo.

More tales from down under to come.

Someone actually told me that as I was living upside down, the moon would appear the other way up to me. So when you are keenly gazing at the full moon on a clear night, with romantic thoughts in your head, arm in arm with someone you love, just remember that I also can see the same moon, only it is upside down (That will be a definate mood killer).
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