Analiese’s first Birthday

Below is a copy of the letter that Jane wrote to the newspaper here in Western Australia (Yes there is only one paper - it makes for balanced news reporting that way). After our lovely day celebrating, which I was going to tell you about, with friends in King's Park, we had a nasty surprise waiting for us on the second trip back to my car.

It is described rather a lot more rationally that I was when I was describing what happened to a couple of my friends.

Before the letter though, a couple photos of our day out. It was a very hot day, and boy were we glad of the marque. When I say is was very hot, I mean it was melting underpants hot. Most people wished they were a baby as they were rubbed with ice, and stripped off to nothing. It was a no warning hot day, as during the week it had been 25 degrees almost every day, and then bang a toe curling 35 degrees.

Letter to the West Australian on Sunday Evening

"To the person who stole my one year old baby daughter's birthday presents from our car, earlier today from Kings Park Synergy Playground we hope you are pleased with yourself. You must feel 'Proudly Australian'."

Earlier today we celebrated our youngest daughter Annaliese's first birthday with a picnic barbeque at glorious Kings Park. We invited a few friends and enjoyed a lovely, but hot afternoon. After we had said our Thank Yous and Good Byes, David my husband carried Annaliese's birthday presents back to the car. They were unopened and wrapped in typical baby birthday paper. He then returned to help the rest of us.

We were horrified to return to our car to find our baby's birthday presents had been stolen. We are cautious about leaving items in this car as it has been broken into twice already in as many months. An opportunist must have seen David place the gifts in the car, as they were not on view and the car was locked. The driver's side door handle was broken and came away in David's hand.

My eldest daughter, Daisy, age 4, was very excited at the prospect of returning home to aid her baby sister unwrap birthday presents. She sobbed all the way home when we explained what had happened and keeps asking 'why did the nasty person take Annaliese's presents?' How do you explain it to a 4 year old?

We are new to Perth, in fact new to Australia and this is not how we expected to remember our baby's first birthday.

If you have Birthday or Christmas gifts don't think they are safe in your car for even a minute (or 5 in our case). And, if you are an opportunist, who happened to fall upon some children's gifts from a small grey Hyundai, have a conscience and return them.

From: Mrs Jane Heath, married to David a Paramedic for St John's and Mum to Daisy age 4 and Annaliese the birthday girl age 1.

Contact: Email as above or mobile 0450 048153

Watching Dr. Who at Christmas

I've managed to come up with way to watch Dr. Who Christmas Special.

If anyone else wants to do it, and they are living outside of the UK, then you can link to the BBC iPlayer and download the episode. I have set myself up.

You can also do the same thing!

Have a go. It's great