Anyway, determined to earn my keep today, I rolled into work happy and motivated at the sunny hour of seven in the morning. All intentions were good, until I got out the car, and found my lunch had spilled out of its lunch box, and ruined my breakfast as well. Lunch was left over Green Thai Chicken I made the other night, and breakfast was some muesli – or saw dust, I'm still not sure which. That then left me only motivated, but not happy. Still I'm sure that I could volunteer for a lot of work, etc.
We trundled to a couple of jobs, and eventually around lunchtime we found someone who was genuinely ill, and definitely needed some hospital treatment. We lo

I don't know if I mentioned to you before about the situation with lack of space at the hospitals here. Anyway it is all a political game, and the long and short of it is that even though there are hospital trolleys free – ambulances can't unload until we are given the go ahead. This can vary in how long we wait; although the longest I've ever been Ramped (that is what they call it) is about 1 hour.
Today broke all previous records by a long while. Our sick person waited for a space for 3 ½ hours on the ambulance trolley. She just wasn't sick enough to go to a high priority bed, so we just sat in the holding area with her.
We do unload the ambulance stretchers and wait in an area near the entrance to the emergency department, so everyone isn't actually stuck on ambulances, but just the stretchers.
While we were waiting (alongside 8 other ambulances which you can see in the photo. It isn't the ambulance depot, but outside hospital) for quite a while, along came the shift team leader, and opened his car boot. We all took turns helping ourselves to the dozen or so pizzas that were in the back. How great was that, as that meant I didn't have to eat chicken curry flavoured muesli.
So the day pretty much ended on a high note again. I got some other fabulous news, but I'll save that for another day.