Sorry about the Delay – I’m back again

After a while without a quill and some ink, I'm back again – to pass on my thoughts for the day. I was genuinely surprised that so many people were asking what was happening, and how I have been getting on. I think that to get everyone up to date, I'll fill in the last couple of weeks with everything that's gone on here in Perth.

Everyone enjoyed themselves here for the short break that they had in the end of March/beginning of April. I didn't have to work too much while they were all here. The days I actually went to work were all quite lax, and relaxing, even though we were on the go pretty much all the time. There was nothing spectacular to report that I can remember.

For those of you concerned that I am sleeping under a small piece of cardboard, let me tell you – a big fridge box makes a great bedroom. The mad Chinese landlady didn't take me back – not that I was going to go back to her house anyway. I made it quite clear to her to stop bothering me, and I didn't want to buy her house. Eventually I had to almost spell it out. Her house was dirty, and not really very contusive to restfulness or peacefulness. What with her blustering in, and shouting and carrying on a lot when she did come around.

To ease the housing situation Jane and I decided to look for somewhere to live for when she finally comes out to live in August. (We have decided on a date for her to come out and live.) It turns out that it falls into line with my annual leave, and I'll be able to pop back to old Blighty once more and help out with the final moving plans. If you want to visit us or for us to come and visit during the last two weeks in July – please get in touch soon, as the days are filling up with some very important appointments. (Watching Cricket at Arundel, Weekend at a Health Spa with girlfriends for Jane, Ballet performance for Daisy, and other things as well)

Back to the housing situation – we had been told that it would be impossible to get a fully furnished house/flat at short notice, and we'd be stuck in a contract for a lot of money a week. You must have realized by now that I don't take much notice in what other people say. Anyway – during one particularly wet morning, Jane and I drove around visiting estate agents, and asking them if they had fully furnished flats. There were a few, and so we made appointments to visit them that same day.

I don't know if you have heard, but the housing – especially the rental market – is dreadfully busy over here. That afternoon we made appointments to see all the properties in one of the areas (Scarborough Beach) that were fully furnished. After we looked around some of them (one of the places had been taken between making the appointment, and visiting them), we came to a little apartment almost on the beach. Jane fell in love with it immediately, and I didn't take too much convincing. I'm not 100% sure about what Jane liked, but I liked the dishwasher, and the air-conditioner. No more sweltering while trying to rest for nights (not that I am doing them at the moment.)

So now I am living there, making the place a home. I've moved ambulance stations for the next 8 weeks, and am in a busy city centre depot now. Not that it is particularly busy there either. The 4 days I've worked there so far, I've only done an average of 4 jobs.

Tomorrow I'm going to do some overtime (Kicking the Till Again), and so I've got to nip to the depot to get my things, so I don't have to leave so early to work tomorrow. Keep checking online, I'll be adding as much as possible daily again.

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