Thursday – It doesn’t seem like anything can be simple

Why is it that just when you think the most simple thing is taken care of, someone – usually unaware of what is actually occurring – goes and sticks their own ore into the situation and makes it ten times worse. I know some people think that it is their problem and they should be managing the situation to the final degree, but in my experience, that isn't the case. Most things move along at their own pace, without too much interference from anyone.

I have been the unwanted recipient of this type of close management of a situation, and making it all go wrong. I'll start you at the beginning of the story. You may recognise little snippets from along the way.

Last June (a long time ago) when I applied to join the ambulance service here in Perth, Jane and I were expecting Analiese in December – I told you that you might recognise a snippet or two. During the interview I mentioned a couple times about the family situation, and was told by the interviewers (all very nice ladies whom I have met here in Perth since, as they work for HR) that there was a intake course planned in November, January, and then in May. I indicated that May would have been ideal as Analiese would have been 6 months old, and we would be raring to go.

Obviously that didn't happen like that, did it? I have been here in Australia since January. Anyway, when it came time to apply for visas for me and everyone else, I was advised (I cannot remember who told me the info and I've been subjected to interrogation techniques that even the CIA would have been proud of) that I should apply on my own, and at a later date Jane and everyone else can apply. Wonderful – Problem solved. Jane hasn't got to worry about Chest X-Rays while being pregnant, and my visa application went straight through.

Fast forward now to the just before Jane came out on holiday please. I lodged her visa application with the company who take care of it, and was told that there were no problems with it. I haven't given it much thought since then. Why would I as the application is just moving though government offices. The other day – while waiting to do something at work – I thought I might ring up and see how we are getting on. This is where it all went wrong. I should have known it when the person who I was dealing with was really chatty, and then changed her tune to quite vague and defensive. "I'll call you back" was the answer I eventually got. "Oh no, there is a problem" I thought, and in the back of my mind I knew what it was going to be.

Sure enough – to make a very long story short – we had been misadvised that Jane should apply separately to me, as St. John will only sponsor one visa application per family (everyone needs to be one the first one). The person who put the stop to the application wasn't party to the discussions I'd had with other members of HR. Anyway after the head of Human Resources ringing me and telling me St. John's don't sponsor dependants to come out at a different time (I am having to be nice, because I need a letter from her department to sponsor me for my permanent residence application – a whole different kettle of fish).

"Just this once we will do it!" I am told.

"Thank you so much!" I grovel.

All taken care of, I thought. It took a day or so of telephone tag to speak to the right people, but it is all done. (Ha Ha – not quite, there is always a sting in the tail)

My phone rang again, and this time it was immigration. "St. John is willing to sponsor your family now – but they are not prepared to pay the costs". Oh well, I had that £500 earmarked for something else, but it is necessary to get it done.

I am £500 worse off, but no more worry for a while. That is good. I am beginning to learn out hear that not everyone and everything is as above board as I had hoped, and people like to know everything. Jane is coming out soon though!

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