- Watching the Surf Lifesaving Championships (they just seemed to be playing in the waves and running on the sand).
- Trying to emulate the Surf Lifesaving Championships the next day (not so successful, but fun none the less.)
- Perfecting our Beach BBQ Picnic Technique (still need more practice – even after 4 or 5 goes this month)
- Taking advantage of a free face painting stand (Not the adults – obviously)
- Playing Football and Cricket in the park (actually we didn't, but I watched a couple games being played)
- Burying the kids in sand and then getting a Noahs Ark (Shark) to eat them!
- Finally – communing with nature, under canvas (it isn't really canvas anymore, but nylon) for 3 days.
The camping was great fun – we went to a camping site we'd been to before. As well as the normal high jinks of the kids there were a couple of occasions of note.
The first entailed Charlie – who is Daisy's shadow, (or is Daisy his shadow – I think the latter). Anyway on one occasion that they weren't joined at the hip – he meandered off, and after 4 or 5 minutes of slightly panicky searching by all the adults who realized he was missing (two of us – his mum and I), he was spotted with a large grin on his ice-cream covered face. He'd found the ice-cream van, and contrary to popular belief, the van had ice-cream in it – even though it was playing it's music (We've mentioned to Daisy when she sees an ice-cream van playing music – it has run out of ice cream - this is a major cost saving exercise on our part). Anyway – I digress – Charlie didn't wasn't worried, and in fact had sweet talked the lady at the van to let him have a 99 with a flake for free – have I mentioned he is only 4. (He has got his silver tongue and his way with the ladies from his fatherJ) .
The other funniest thing was the waterslide a couple of people had brought along. Just picture a long roll of plastic sheeting, with some water and washing up liquid sprayed down it, and then laid out on a hill, and kids sent down it. The kids were all fine – bar a couple of grass burns when they strayed off the plastic. I had a go – once only – and a slipped at the start. It was all being recorded for posterity, but the camera man forgot the adage – Never stop filming, and missed the whole funny episode. I didn't fancy doing it all again.
I think that about 700 words are enough for now. I'm going away with sleep (or is it work) in a little while and will be sending a couple more messages as I am away!
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