The World's Greatest Shave

The World's Greatest Shave (TWGS) – once again Australia is over-estimating their importance in the world – took place, and being a sucker for a good cause – I've joined in. TWGS is a money raising event for research into Leukemia. To participate we had the choice of shaving out head, or getting out hair coloured. I've opted for the first option, and Daisy wanted to take part and get the second option.

On the allotted day – we found a place that was wealding hair colour and clippers, and we had our turn. Just so you all are aware – not only did I get a shave – but also my head was coloured, and doodled on. Daisy was pink and sparkling – as if she would have anything else! Pictures are proof

Anyway – with everyone's generosity, we've raised well above my goal of $250 (about £100). Those of you who have promised me money when I come back to England, I'll be taking you up on that offer on my return in May, as I've banked the equivalent on your behalf already. Those who sent money on the internet link – that was so easy and I didn't need to get involved, and I would like to thank you all as well.

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