Yes I'm 29 Again. My Birthday came by again – and then went in spectacular fashion. It has been a fun couple of days, and in case you are wondering it was on the 8th of April this year. Once again it is coinciding with Easter Holidays – it happens a lot – but more on the significance of that later.
Anyway – with the Mums here (mine and Jane's mum Joyce flew out to Perth from England the other week, and aren't returning until later this week), and it was great to celebrate my birthday and Easter with them.
On Wednesday last week came around a day that should go down in history. Well – in the terms of great historical days not much to note has happened on the 8th. A quick look at the factually and wholly accurate "Wikipedia" alerts me to the fact I share my big day with Vivian Westwood, and Pablo Picasso (actually it wasn't his birthday, but rather the day of his demise), and Buddha (but only in Japan). There are so few things of note that happened in the first week of April, I'm going to campaign to get great things to start happening around April 8.
Actually, nothing of note happen this year either – oh except at work where I actually truly earned my money for the first time in a very long while. A celebration fish and chip supper (we know how to live) was planned with friends – but I was 1 ½ hours late home, so I was lucky to get the last of the chips, as people went ahead and ate without me (actually didn't eat everything – but they started eating before everyone had actually sat down. I imagine if we searched Wikipedia – or any site about manners – surely it would be polite to wait until everyone is seated (or if not everyone – then at least the guest of honour) before tucking in.)
"You'll have to pardon these uncouth layabouts, they are my friends" was the phrase that sprung to mind.
Anyway – birthday day finished with a big hooray. I've actually managed to win a board game. Recently that has been a rare occurrence, as I've been left playing after everyone else has finished. Actually as winning runs go – I'm now on a trot of three. Not an all-time record, but good for me none the less.
My actual birthday get together was Sunday evening in a local park. Two other friends of mine have birthdays in the next week, so we all gathered for a . . . you guessed it – BBQ. About 30-40 family and friends came, and it was an excellent time of fun, and food. The piers' de resistance was a chocolate fountain, using melted Easter eggs. Spectacular I tell you especially if you are a tin lid.
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