Friday - Sunday - Songs about Jane and Sizzler

Before anyone had come out to visit, I'd planned a surprise for the lovely Mrs. Marmite (that is what my friend Mark had taken to calling Jane). Maroon 5 were having a concert down in town, and I'd bought Jane and I tickets to go and see them.

Before we went to the concert, I had taken everyone out to see if we could see some Kangaroos, and ride on a train it a place called Whitemans Park. We had to drag Daisy away from the Kid's Play area (this one was huge) eventually, but when we found the train, it wasn't running on a Friday. Oh well, there was a tram there as well, and we went on that instead. (Daisy thought it was a train anyway.)

We did see a couple Kangaroos, although they weren't bouncing around. I had to bribe Daisy to come back home with use - with a trip to the beach to make sand castles. We had to leave early, as the house were are staying in was having a washing machine delivered.

No one said anything about the beach, until Jane and I were talking about getting ready to go out, and then we were reminded of my promise. Daisy and I nipped down to the local beach and built castles in the sand for a while, until she got soaked with a wave. It was perfect timing, as I had to go back to get ready anyway.

Maroon 5 were very good, although the concert was cut short because the keyboard player managed to knock over all his keyboards off the plinth that they were on. At the end of the concert, the main guy who was doing the singing, and playing the guitar, must of thought that he was something out of The Who, and smashed up his guitar as well.

Saturday - Swimming in the local pool, and then afternnon BBQ at the house with some friends (No Photos sorry)

Sunday - After morning coffee with Alan and Emma, it was church, and then to Sizzlers for Sunday Lunch. We popped around to see Jamie and Julie, and then I had to head back, as I had to go to work tonight.

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