How we came to have so many Easter Eggs

Chocolate in Australia – as you no doubt can imagine – is different than that in Britain. (Is there anything that is the same – Marmite is called My Mate, Pubs don't open on Good Friday, and the National Sports Teams are good at what they play?) How do I know this about chocolate? Well, in the last couple days I've managed to try an awful lot of chocolate – being Easter.

The local church had organised an Easter Egg Eggstravaganza (Eggs – being the operative word) for the Easter Saturday. Between two night shifts we all went along – to experience the Aussie Easter Experience (different again). Well laid out in this park were a few marked out running lanes, a long rope for a tug of war, 5 or 6 marquees with different events going on, an ice cream van, and a couple of enclosures for Easter egg hunting.

As we arrived there with other another family, we all got in the line to register. Actually it was more like the adults queuing, and the kids off and running around, until we got to the front of the queue for face painting. I imagine the young volunteers would have been a little shocked if one of the adults had asked for a dolphin, or butterfly painted onto their face.

While we adults were queuing up, there were children's races – including sack races, egg and spoon races, three legged races, wheel barrow races, and the tug of war. Daisy told me – as she does often – "it's not a race". She isn't one of the most competitive people around. I guess that I got most of the competitiveness in our family.

Then came the Easter egg hunt part "Oh dear" I was thinking, as Daisy isn't one of the most competitive people around, as I have mentioned, and it looked like it was a mad scramble to find the eggs. Nothing to worry about though – the kids only had to find 5 coloured matchsticks, and then could exchange them from a box of 6 chocolate eggs.

After a quick drink (note to self, make sure that you've finished your coffee, before putting the empty in your pocket, while trying to find a bin, or be prepared to put up with some mocking and ridicule) we went and all 10 of us relaxed by the kids playground. No longer had we been sat down for 5 minutes when the Easter bunny's helper came over, and gave the adults each a box of 6 chocolate eggs to go along with the kids' ones.

The next morning we all popped along to church – only to find that it wasn't a regular service – but rather we decorated Easter Baskets (with you guessed it – more eggs inside), played relay/ice breaker games, had coffee and buns, then into the main chapel to watch an fabulous multimedia presentation, before a grand prize draw (we entered the draw the day before) for a giant 3.5 kg chocolate egg. Thank fully we didn't win – as I don't think that I could eat much more chocolate.

Sunday afternoon was taken up with BBQ prep – and melting down the 60+ chocolate eggs that we had left for the chocolate fountain (see birthday blog for that story). At the last count it was about 10-15 eggs each – that isn't counting any of the others we got. And all the eggs from the church were for free – another thing that was very different in Australia, although this is a good thing!!!

Birthdays seem to Go on Forever and what to do with Old Easter Eggs

Yes I'm 29 Again. My Birthday came by again – and then went in spectacular fashion. It has been a fun couple of days, and in case you are wondering it was on the 8th of April this year. Once again it is coinciding with Easter Holidays – it happens a lot – but more on the significance of that later.

Anyway – with the Mums here (mine and Jane's mum Joyce flew out to Perth from England the other week, and aren't returning until later this week), and it was great to celebrate my birthday and Easter with them.

On Wednesday last week came around a day that should go down in history. Well – in the terms of great historical days not much to note has happened on the 8th. A quick look at the factually and wholly accurate "Wikipedia" alerts me to the fact I share my big day with Vivian Westwood, and Pablo Picasso (actually it wasn't his birthday, but rather the day of his demise), and Buddha (but only in Japan). There are so few things of note that happened in the first week of April, I'm going to campaign to get great things to start happening around April 8.

Actually, nothing of note happen this year either – oh except at work where I actually truly earned my money for the first time in a very long while. A celebration fish and chip supper (we know how to live) was planned with friends – but I was 1 ½ hours late home, so I was lucky to get the last of the chips, as people went ahead and ate without me (actually didn't eat everything – but they started eating before everyone had actually sat down. I imagine if we searched Wikipedia – or any site about manners – surely it would be polite to wait until everyone is seated (or if not everyone – then at least the guest of honour) before tucking in.)

"You'll have to pardon these uncouth layabouts, they are my friends" was the phrase that sprung to mind.

Anyway – birthday day finished with a big hooray. I've actually managed to win a board game. Recently that has been a rare occurrence, as I've been left playing after everyone else has finished. Actually as winning runs go – I'm now on a trot of three. Not an all-time record, but good for me none the less.

My actual birthday get together was Sunday evening in a local park. Two other friends of mine have birthdays in the next week, so we all gathered for a . . . you guessed it – BBQ. About 30-40 family and friends came, and it was an excellent time of fun, and food. The piers' de resistance was a chocolate fountain, using melted Easter eggs. Spectacular I tell you especially if you are a tin lid.

The World's Greatest Shave

The World's Greatest Shave (TWGS) – once again Australia is over-estimating their importance in the world – took place, and being a sucker for a good cause – I've joined in. TWGS is a money raising event for research into Leukemia. To participate we had the choice of shaving out head, or getting out hair coloured. I've opted for the first option, and Daisy wanted to take part and get the second option.

On the allotted day – we found a place that was wealding hair colour and clippers, and we had our turn. Just so you all are aware – not only did I get a shave – but also my head was coloured, and doodled on. Daisy was pink and sparkling – as if she would have anything else! Pictures are proof

Anyway – with everyone's generosity, we've raised well above my goal of $250 (about £100). Those of you who have promised me money when I come back to England, I'll be taking you up on that offer on my return in May, as I've banked the equivalent on your behalf already. Those who sent money on the internet link – that was so easy and I didn't need to get involved, and I would like to thank you all as well.

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It’s Been a Long Time

Looking at my blog site, I realized that it has been a long time since telling anyone anything about what I have been up to. I realize that Jane has been diligent in posting you all photos, but I don't seem to have launched them to the blog.

I find myself with a couple of minutes spare in my busy life – The clocks went back, and someone forgot to tell the Tin Lids they are allowed to sleep for longer – so that will be why I am awake at 5 in the morning.

Talking of sleeping – I've been mostly hard at work (or hard at sleep, as Jane likes to call it). Recently I even managed a full 8 hours sleep uninterrupted. (And to think that I am actually getting paid well for that – in a bed and everything). Not much to report on the work front – as they as here "I am so over it" actually over complaining about it.

In the last couple weeks I've been off on the weekend, and so the family has been very busy with excursions, and days out. I was thinking the best way to describe them, but couldn't, so how about a list.

  • Watching the Surf Lifesaving Championships (they just seemed to be playing in the waves and running on the sand).

  • Trying to emulate the Surf Lifesaving Championships the next day (not so successful, but fun none the less.)

  • Perfecting our Beach BBQ Picnic Technique (still need more practice – even after 4 or 5 goes this month)

  • Taking advantage of a free face painting stand (Not the adults – obviously)

  • Playing Football and Cricket in the park (actually we didn't, but I watched a couple games being played)

  • Burying the kids in sand and then getting a Noahs Ark (Shark) to eat them!

  • Finally – communing with nature, under canvas (it isn't really canvas anymore, but nylon) for 3 days.

The camping was great fun – we went to a camping site we'd been to before. As well as the normal high jinks of the kids there were a couple of occasions of note.

The first entailed Charlie – who is Daisy's shadow, (or is Daisy his shadow – I think the latter). Anyway on one occasion that they weren't joined at the hip – he meandered off, and after 4 or 5 minutes of slightly panicky searching by all the adults who realized he was missing (two of us – his mum and I), he was spotted with a large grin on his ice-cream covered face. He'd found the ice-cream van, and contrary to popular belief, the van had ice-cream in it – even though it was playing it's music (We've mentioned to Daisy when she sees an ice-cream van playing music – it has run out of ice cream - this is a major cost saving exercise on our part). Anyway – I digress – Charlie didn't wasn't worried, and in fact had sweet talked the lady at the van to let him have a 99 with a flake for free – have I mentioned he is only 4. (He has got his silver tongue and his way with the ladies from his fatherJ) .

The other funniest thing was the waterslide a couple of people had brought along. Just picture a long roll of plastic sheeting, with some water and washing up liquid sprayed down it, and then laid out on a hill, and kids sent down it. The kids were all fine – bar a couple of grass burns when they strayed off the plastic. I had a go – once only – and a slipped at the start. It was all being recorded for posterity, but the camera man forgot the adage – Never stop filming, and missed the whole funny episode. I didn't fancy doing it all again.

I think that about 700 words are enough for now. I'm going away with sleep (or is it work) in a little while and will be sending a couple more messages as I am away!