One of the funniest T.V. programmes that I've seen for many a long day is a short BBC comedy, talking head type programme that interviews some middle aged comedians/funny men about things that irks them. It's called "Grumpy Old Men". Last night I caught an edition of it while channel surfing and decided about my bruises I'd received from my excursion into IKEA yesterday.
What is a man going to do? I'd decided that I'm going to have to change the bedding back at IKEA again, after vowing yesterday that I wasn't going to step foot in the place with sharpening up my elbows, and getting some body armour to protect myself. To steel myself for the excursion I thought that I might fortify myself at the Coffee Club with a cup of coffee and slice of cake.
While day dreaming over my cake, and coffee, I noticed an ATM in front of me, and watched it, as I didn't have much else to do. By now you must have come to realise that I can make long tirade about some of the most mundane things in life. The use of an ATM is going to get that treatment. Let me tell you why.
After watching the ATM for about 20-30 minutes, sipping my coffee, I never saw anyone use it. Here in Australia, you have to use your own dedicated bank machines, to avoid getting any charges. After finishing my coffee, I went to get a little bit cash. As soon as I walked up to the machine, three other people decided that they would get some money/do all their banking/top up their mobile.
After a few minutes I got to the front of the queue, and withdrew my money. Behind me were two or three people waiting to get their money. I went over to a bench, sat down, and put the cash away. I looked up to see the machine, because I didn't have as much as I needed, and was going to get some more out. All of a sudden, I came up with a plan. I'd watch the ATM for a while to test an idea I had come up with.
I watched the machine for about another 30 minutes, and no one used the machine, but as soon as I went up to it, there was a queue again of about two or three people behind me. That must be one of the unwritten ATM rules, that there can never be only one person using the machine, and as soon as someone walks up to it, other people need to join them.
Oh – and if someone is using the ATM when I'm waiting, they must pay a couple bills, deposit some money, check the balances on 4 accounts, and then after all this, and getting their money, people must then count the money, and then individually fold each note, and place them into a wallet one at a time, before walking away from the machine.
Oh – and by the way, I didn't venture into IKEA. I was decided it wasn't necessary in the end, and after my little personal "Grumpy Old Men" episode, I thought that I might as well go home and lie down.