Sunday – Thursday – I haven’t done this for a while

I know that it's been a long time since I've done a week entry in one go. I've been a little remiss in putting my thoughts down on paper (so to speak) because of two reasons. 1. I haven't had any new or original thoughts, and 2. I'm using a computer, obviously.

My mind has been on coming home, and I've been putting the final touches on my travel plans and making the house here more Tin Lid friendly. I've been into IKEA again to get a wardrobe. (For saying I detest the place, I seem to be going there a lot recently).

Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were full of work, and not much else, then Wednesday was a recovery day when I did nothing but fall asleep on the sofa a couple times, and not much more than that.

Thursday was when I headed to IKEA, and then wrestled with a wardrobe trying to put it together. I understand why it was supposed to be a two person job now, but with some ingenious use of my head (holding something up) and the broom handle, I managed to get the thing together. I guess it would have been easier with two people, but unless I split myself in two, I wasn't going to have a helper.

Later that evening I went to a little get together with a couple of the guys that were on my training course, when I started here, for a South African Bush Meal called a poikkee which is a stew type meal – cooked in a pot over a open fire, and then served with rice, and some cornbread, which is also cooked in a pot over hot coals. It was yummy.

So that was my week in a nut shell.

Oh, and the biggest news was that another two pieces of paper have arrived to do with the permanent visa, and now I have everything I need, except for another medical, and a chest x-ray, and a family to apply with also. That will be easily rectified soon.

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