Sunday – I had to admit defeat

I know that people look online and then when I say how cold it is, I'm told that online it says that it isn't as cold as I have said. I'm not sure of why there is a discrepancy, and so I did some investigation as to the difference. It turns out that the site that most places get their info about the current weather from is the weather reporting centre at the domestic airport, and the temperature doesn't reflect the 3 or 4 degree difference around the area.

When I was driving to work this morning I head on the radio that the temperature was 2 degrees out at the airport, which I found quite strange, as I had ice on my windows, and my car thermometer said -1. I am getting quite soft, because I have forgotten what -1 feels like. Also a couple of the banks had the temperature on their big billboards (why is it always banks?) and they were agreeing with me.

Eventually I warmed up once I got to work, and as it was a sunny day, the temperature got up to about 18 or 19 degrees, but that wasn't going to last I knew. Boy was I not looking forward to a cold night in Golden Bay Beach House, with only a wood burning stove for company.

The day wasn't the hardest work I've done for a while, but as is the way most of the time, we ended up finishing quite late though. It was already dark and very cold again, by the time I arrived at the beach house. Number 1 priority was to get the heat from the fire. (Survival Training Kicking in – Protection, Location, Water, Food – and as I had some wine, and a bag of crisps and a couple pickled onions in the fridge that was water and food taken care of, and no one was looking for me so it didn't about location).

After being so impressed with the fire the last couple times I stayed, I thought it would be a snap to get this one up and running, but oh no. Last week, in trying to coax the wet wood to burn, I had used most of the kindling, and there wasn't much around, plus the wood wasn't dry yet, and refusing to light. After 20 or 30 minutes of singeing my fingers, and getting very frustrated, I admitted defeat, as I knew where there was a place with more than a couple pickles, and has heating.

You guessed it; I trundled back up the road to my house. It was going to mean another early start tomorrow in the freezing, but at least I'm warm over night. When you look at the temperature online in Perth – don't believe the current temperatures on Google. The minimums and maximums are usually a couple degrees off a well, but it does give you an idea. I've put a weather forecaster on the BlogSpot if you want to look.

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