As it is winter time, I am feeling a little festive. Although I say winter, I'm meaning more a late autumn day, with rain showers, interspersed by a few nice sunny spells, which are actually very warm, and pleasant. The rainy, cold intervals are getting a lot more frequent, and it is actually getting to where I think its cold – and I could roll around in snow naked and think that it was only mildly chilli.
I did eventually get a heater/radiator for the bedroom, and the lounge has a setting on the air-conditioner that blows out warm air. I'm sure I've mentioned it before. Anyway now I'm as roasted warm as I can be anytime, and with the heater, I don't have to have the air-conditioner on (which is a cost consideration).
After Thursday evenings excesses at Earl and Jan's house, I didn't really feel up to much. I'd arranged with some other of my work colleagues to go to a evening function in the city, at a place called "The Lucky Shag" – which, by the way, is named after a sea bird – for an event called Christmas in July.
Everywhere is advertising their own version of this novel idea, and feeling a little festive, I thought excellent – some cheap chrimbo decorations up, some dodgy music on the stereo, and a few festive drinks will make me quite merry.
Sadly the only thing that was Christmassy was the name. There were no decorations, no one with Christmas baubles hanging off their earrings, no Slade on the sound system, and not a drop of mulled wine anywhere. We did still get rained on while we sat outside though.
So that was Christmas in July. I'll add it to the list of things that I shouldn't get excited about.
Tomorrow I'm off to the beach to watch some boogie boarding competition, and it is going to be big waves, and windy, but not too much rain. It should be good.
I'll see if I can get some photos
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