Day Two


First thing this morning, there was a little get together at Ambulance HQ for all of those people who are starting work with me on Monday. It was good to hear that three other paramedics who are starting are in the same situation, with leaving their families in England, because of the short notice. I couldn’t stay for long, as I had lined up looking at three or four rooms for rent that afternoon, and I did want to buy a car as well.

I went around the car yards, and found a small economical car, but decided to sleep on buying it, as I was really pushed for time, looking at houses.

The rooms I looked at ranged from (the best) – a cinderblock extension to a bedsit, to a garden shed, with the shower in the kitchen. I was very unimpressed, as there weren’t many rooms available, and they were all rubbish. Still, I had a couple more on Saturday to look at. Fingers crossed.

I thought I would chance my arm at opening a bank account, (No Proof of Address could be the stumbling block). The lady in the bank was very understanding, and they were willing to waive the proof of address for English people who had moved over with 6 weeks of opening the account. That took a weight off my mind, as now I had some official document with my address on it. I rushed up to the Driving licence place, but they were closed.

It was a hard day family wise, as I was missing Daisy, Jane and Analiese. It was great to call them on the video phone (SKYPE) and I felt better.

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