Tuesday - Coffee and Exersice


What a fabulous place to be. I woke up with the sun streaming in through the window when my alarm went off although actually it is Timmy Mallet singing Wackaday from my mobile phone, because I haven’t got an alarm clock yet. The early morning start with showers, and more ironing – yes two days in a row – is starting to get old already.

Into MuzzBuzz for more coffee. I thought the girl was being rude to me in the shop. I thought she said “You’re a Pom!”, which is derogatory Aussie slag for a British person. The other server also thought she said that, and laughed about not being able to call me that. When she explained herself, it was “Have a good One!” If you say it with a drawl, it could sound similar, so I’ll let her off. If that is the only time something like that happens, I’ll be alright.

I can hear you say, “What did he learn at work?” Let me tell you. I learned that instead of having to know and be able to use about 30 different medications, and drugs, I have to know 16, and even then, I can refer to charts for them. How great is that!! I think I’ll learn them this weekend, because mostly they are the same as what I was used to.

Coffee again

We had more Manual Handling training, but this was more interesting than ever was in Sussex, because it was actually a physiotherapist who came to talk to us. All of the physios that I have ever met, including Esther obviously, know their onions, when it comes to injury prevention, and this young lady was no different. We had about 2 hours talk about lifting and kinetics, and physics of carrying. What a difference from the last job, where it was fellow paramedics talking to you about a subject they don’t really understand. It actually was interesting. (Interspersed with 2-3 coffee breaks during the session, before lunch – I don’t think that I’ll be able to drink coffee during every break soon.)

After a light lunch of sandwiches again, it was more manual handling – but this not lifting and carrying, it was about 1 ½ hours of stretching exercises just to make us all feel relaxed. Then an introduction to the various sporting activities around about Perth, before finishing at about 3 p.m. (and yes we did have a coffee break during the very short afternoon session.

I went to the beach – I had been inspired to do some sort of activity, but that turned out to be reading, after a short swim in the ocean. I think I’ll have to lose a lot of weight before I venture to far out to sea. The Japanese are hunting whales round here, and I wouldn’t want them to mistake me for a Minkey. (I thought I’d say it before you).

Out to dinner at a Jamie and Julie’s house. It was nice to meet a couple who have made a go of it, since they moved to Perth last April. Good to catch up on old times.

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