It was the last day of the course today, and was planned for more law and how to protect yourself from violent and unpredictable people. Also we were going to practice some skills to get us out of trouble if some wild and crazy Aussie takes a dislike to me. I know it's hard to imagine how that would be possible, what with me so easy-going and lovable.
I had to get a lift to work this morning because my car was left near training school yesterday. It is handy a couple others are living near me, and were able to give me a ride.
The alarm wasn't necessary because my new housemate thinks he is the Hoff and was belting out the hits while in the shower at 6 in the morning. (The Hoff and not Tom Jones because he is a German Medallion Man called Hagen.) At least once work is in full swing I'll not be around at 6 in the morning (unless I'm on a day off-maybe I'll mention I'm not a big fan and can he turn the volume down to where he is only performing to an intimate Wembley Arena crowd, and not on stage at Wembley Stadium.)
Once more Friday lessons went longer than any other day this week. There is something wrong with that picture. Also as you can imagine the actual law isn't the most gripping topic with legal definitions. Then came more interesting subjects - who I can hit and how hard. (Actually I can hit anyone if I have a reason and as hard as "I deem is reasonable." - so very hard then.)
Then we learned some moves to get away from an attacker and how to disarm his if we can't get away. It was very fun.
That evening I went to Jamie and Julies for dinner. We (Jamie and I) tried to call some of our friends in the UK, but no one was in, so we sent some abuse to them via SMS Text messages. We thought it was funny.
So the training course is now finished, and I am going to be let loose on the poor unsuspecting public of Western Australia on Sunday Night. The shifts are 10 hour days and 14 hour nights in a rolling day, day, night, night, 4 days off shift pattern. I'm into the last of the nights, so one night at work, and then 4 days off. That is excellent. We were given our postings and I have been posted on the outskirts of Perth in the east, right on the edge of the desert. I hope there aren't to many crazy Aussies out there, but most likely there are with the sun scrambling their brains.
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