Friday - Another Nice Day

You must all think that I am a little slack, not updating my blog site every day. Well, partly that is correct, and it is because I have to really think hard to find something remotely exciting/interesting (yes I know that even that is open to debate).

Today was no exception. So quickly it went something like this...Early morning call from Mark, who needs me to move my car, so he can go to work. I didn’t think he was going to work today, which is why I was parked in the drive. That isn’t how you would like to wake up on your last day off.

Then (after doing washing, and house tidying) I went to Kalamunda (South Perth about 45 minutes away) because someone had asked if I would give them a lift to look at a car. Kathryn has been here for about 2 months (paramedic on my training course) and decided to finally give her hire car back, so off we went to look at a car.

This place turned out to be very much out in the middle of nowhere. It took about another hour driving from Kalamunda, and when we got there, Kathryn decided that the car wasn’t what she wanted (wrong colour or something).

As I am a good fellow, I volunteered to help Kathryn look around at other garages which we did, but at the end of a long day guess what...”wrong colour, too big, too small, wrong type of interior.” So she didn’t get a car, although she knows what type of car she wants. I think that ladies are a lot pickier about car colour than fellas. I just saw my car and thought...” runs well...I can afford it”. Maybe that is why most of my cars have been quite unique ones that most other people won’t buy.

After dropping off Kathryn back at her place, I went to dinner with Jamie and Julie again. Julie has been having some curry making tips from an Indian lady, and boy can she knock up an excellent curry and followed that up with a large cheesecake. (So much for my weight loss regime, I thought.) I ate too much, and stayed up far too late, for saying I had work in the morning.

As you can see, I didn’t really have time to put pen to paper, (finger to keyboard doesn’t sound as right) and let people know what I am up to. Even though it seemed quite mundane sort of day, it was quite busy.

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