Monday - It's good working here

It was a night shift that I was doing today. I have found out that my proper crewmate has hurt his foot somehow, and won't be in for a while, so I'm being matched up with a lot of different people.

That's not a bad thing, as I get to see a lot of different methods and styles of working. Today was no different. I have been attending (treating the patients) for the last two days, as the Team Leader was assessing me (part of my probation). Tonight I drove the ambulance all night.

It can be a little bit draining driving the whole shift (especially if you are covering some miles) but that is the way things are done here.

Work was generally easy - nothing as dramatic as yesterday - although we did get ramped at one of the hospital for about 2 hours, and we got back to the Ambulance Station about 1 in the morning, and didn't go out again for the rest of the shift. (You guessed it ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's were had by all).

Oh and incase you were wondering there was a little swim before I went to work, and in the morning after work, just to refresh me.

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