As an Englishman I do know about weather. It isn't much that I am good at, but predicting what is going to happen with the weather is something that I excel at. Don't get me wrong, I'm not Michael Fish and I don't really know about isobars, and why cumulonimbus clouds are full of rain, but I just get a feeling about what the day's weather has got in store for me.
This morning – yes another day off – dawned with clear blue skies, and a light wind blowing in through my window. (I've finally managed to get the security bars off it, and now I can open it.) I did take a while to get motivated to do anything though. It is a day off after all (No not every day is a day off – contrary to what you think).
For the fun of it (it wasn't really as fun as it sounds) I drove down to the International Terminal at the airport. I wanted to see how long it would take for me to get there (it's not as far as I remembered, when I first arrived), and how much the long term parking is going to cost if I leave the car there next week. (It works out at $100, for those who are interested). I've spoke to a couple of taxi drivers, and they think it will be all round about the same if I get a taxi to the airport and back. Maybe that's a decent option.
Every time anyone thinks about offering to take me, as soon as they hear about the times that I need to be at the airport, and be picked up, I think that they decide it is best if I get a cab. What is wrong with people, just because I need to be at the airport at 5 am and then liked up again at 3 am when I return? I wouldn't take anyone else either at that time, so I don't really blame them (unless you were visiting me and couldn't get there any other way).
Anyway why did I mention the weather you ask? Well today was another hot, humid day that reminded me of being in Jakarta again. Even the locals are starting to complain about the humidity. With a sniff of the air, and a look at the clouds, I decided it won't be long before we are all feeling a lot happier about the situation. I did mention it to Mike (he isn't the Hoff – that is Hagem) who told me that it isn't the case. "We'll see" I said, "After all, if there is one thing an Englishman knows about it is weather. We can talk for days about the weather."
After a swim (still flat calm), and a small beach BBQ (with Deon and Madelyn – who were finished work for the day) I met Mike at home. "Still no rain," he said.
"Don't worry, it will be along," I said. We sat outside and talked about a lot of rubbish till late into the night. Still it hadn't rained. I guess that I don't know weather as well as I thought. Still, the humidity is so high, it won't be long before it does. It's only a matter of time.
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