Thursday - I was right after all!!

We all like to be proved right in the end. Last night I could hardly keep my eyes open while trying to watch TV. It was stiflingly hot and not any breathe of wind. Yesterday (according to the news was up to 35 degrees) was supposed to rain, but it hadn't.

According to the news the day before it had rained 0.2 mm at the local weather reporting station. How does someone measure 0.2 mm? I don't think that much water would help cool anything down.

This morning I woke about 7 in the morning, feeling quite chilly. I looked out the window, and it was raining. Not just little non committal rain, but probably rain like it has been falling in the UK. It was very refreshing, and made the whole day extremely pleasant.

I didn't really do very much today. I watched a couple DVDs and then thought about going out to the beach for a walk, and swim. I didn't want to overdo myself on my day off, so I just thought about it, and didn't actually do it.

The rain didn't stop until about 5 pm, and it is such a fantastic feeling, that the rain has cleared the air, and washed all the dust out of the sky. Looking at the news, I see that the weekend weather is going to be back to what we expect over here.

It was such a pleasant day, and it was very restful. I'm looking forward to work on Saturday, but tomorrow, I'm going out to dinner, and also I am looking forward to next week. I don't think I'll make any predictions, because I don't like rubbing it in that I am usually right about things. (At least this week I am.)

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