Tuesday – More Days Off

I've finished another night of work. That is the end of this run of shifts. I don't know if I've said, but they are 2 days 2 nights, and then 4 off. The days are from 8 am until 6 pm (10 hours) and the nights are obviously from 6 pm until 8 am (14 hours). You'll be able to tell from that the Ambulance Service over here doesn't expect you to be very busy at night.

After work last night (I did actually do some), I stopped on the way home for a quick brekkie and some coffee, before heading to bed for a couple hours. I had slept for probably 5 hours at work (with one job to do in the middle of that), and so I didn't really need much rest. Anyway it was a day off.

When Jane, Daisy, Analiese, and Mum come out, we have borrowed a holiday home off someone, and I did have to pop around and give the owners a deposit. It was a stroke of luck that we found the place, as they are coming over Easter, and there aren't many places left. Since I had spoke to the lady initially, and now, she has had about 3 enquiries about the place.

If you are someone like me, it doesn't matter that the only places to live can look like prison cells, with bars on the windows, and single beds, but obviously the two little princesses have to stay in a manner which they are accustomed to. I'm sure that if I had asked, Sally would of let us use the last room in this house if we really were stuck.

After spending a lot of my hard earned money – you guessed it, I thought that a swim was in order. It's been getting more and more humid every day – and so it is feeling hotter, and hotter. At the moment it is feeling positively tropical.

The sea was flat calm with only very occasional small waves. Still enough to have a little body surf in though, but nothing like the other day – when they were about 4-5 foot high, and coming in about every 1-2 seconds. Also off in the distance was a great big dirty rain cloud. That will be a relief when it arrives.

Surely enough, like day follows night, the heavens opened, but it wasn't as cooling, refreshing as I would have expected. It only rained for about 3-4 minutes (3-4 minutes longer than it has done since I got here).

The local weather report reckons that the overcast/rain is going to last 3-4 days, before we get back to bright sunshine and 40 degrees again. Great – that's my days off taken care off.

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