Sunday - A day of Rest and Robbing Broadband Bandwidth


I’ve got to find somewhere (internet cafe, etc.) to be able to log in to the computer. That was my goal for the day, so after church I drove down to the city to look for somewhere to log in to the computer, and send my emails.

That was initially a great plan. It would have been successful if I hadn’t got distracted. I stopped in King’s Park (a very big park in Perth) and fell asleep under a tree for an hour or so. Thank goodness I had had a shower in sun lotion earlier. It is about 29-30 degrees according to the radio.

Once on the move again, I found a small coffee shop, with wireless access to the internet (not from the shop, is it stealing broadband if the owners don’t know?)

That is where I am now, with a large chilli squid salad, and some freshly squeezed juice, getting ready to email this to various people.
My room is now feeling a little like home now!! I've put up the picture of Daisy, Jane and Analiese, and set up my computer, although I keep taking my computer out to various internet cafes now. It doesn't look much, but it is alright!!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a prison cell. Are they bars on the window or venetian blinds? I’m sure you’ll make it nice, let your feminine side shine through...

Sarah Williams said...

good use of the laundry basket

Anonymous said...

are you sure that beds big enough for you and your teddies ???

duncs said...
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