Wednesday – I never asked for it

Why does it always seem to be me that everything happens to? I've just spent a couple of weeks relaxing with Jane, Daisy, and Analiese, and everyone else in Alpe d'Huez. I couldn't say it was restful, as skiing and playing with the kids is the most restful thing that can be done, but I did enjoy every moment (almost).

It was frightening standing at the top of some of the ski runs, but overall it was fun. I did enjoy the mornings skiing (although I didn't attempt any black runs – to scary). The afternoons were little nuggets of memories that I never will forget. Spending time with my family was great. Teaching Daisy to ski (sliding actually, but she loved it); sledding with Daisy, Mum, and everyone else was great. Daisy had a lot of fun, and was exhausted in the evening. Even taking care of all the kids on my day to babysit was a lot of fun, and great to spend quality time with Mum. We did enjoy walking down the ski slope together from the Gondola Station, back to the resort. (It was a special path that was set aside for walkers – not to step, but still good exercise.)

The evenings were quite liquid, and the food at the chalet was fantastic. There weren't any complaints on that front, and I surprised myself (along with everyone else) while playing a game that needed a lot of flexibility.

Analiese's christening was a great time for everyone, and it was fabulous to meet everyone again, albeit briefly. We did have some good laughs, nice food (can I say that, as I made most of it - I guess so as if Jane had made it most people would be complaining of belly ache about now - he he he he).

The flight back was long, and I did manage to sleep most of the way (a row of 4 seats to myself again really helped – even though the seat was about 3 inches to small for me).

Tuesday evening here everything went out the window. There is some tension at the house between one of the house tenants, and the landlady. As I have said previously, she is a little eccentric and one of the other guys here has really upset her. I'm not going in to it, but all I will say is that the landlady has now decided to sell the house, and put us all on notice. It isn't what I wanted to come back to. I think that I'll have to bang everyone's heads together.

It was a relief to get to work, and the air-conditioning. The radio was saying the weather was 38 again, and that was at 5 in the afternoon. I am still working out in the desert, and the night was filled with the usual amount of work.

Yes, 3 jobs in the night, although one didn't really go to well. It is heartbreaking when somebody younger than you passes away, and that's what happened. I can't go into it, but I will say that it was hard to sleep after a normally healthy 24 year old man passed away in front of me on the short drive into hospital of about 2 minutes (despite my best efforts – and although the skills we have here are a little limited, I don't think that he would have survived even if I picked him up in Brighton).

So since arriving back from the UK I have had to be Henri Kissinger – trying to avert WWIII – and Josh (from Casualty) – my success rate is about as good as his. Things can only get better.


Anonymous said...

Dave, love the piccys, the kids look great. Sorry to hear you've had a rough time since you've been back. All the harder when you're on your own.
Thinking of ya buddy and hope you're ok. Take care.

Dangerous Dave said...

I've looked at JRCALC and there wasn't much that I could have done anyway for this guy. He was having runs of VT with 5 to six seconds of Cardiac Standstill in between, and then when they weren't evident - it was Wenkeback Type ii Heart Block. The only recommendations are transcutaneious pacing, or (and this is in JRCALC page 2 of 6 under cardiac disturbances in the cardiac arythmia pages)fist pacing at a rate of 60 and adrenaline. I'm nnot sure where I would stand over here. I don't remember anyone ever mentioning that in Sussex either??? Anyway, wait til I get my next type II heart block. I'll be done for assault

Philfrodo said...

Dave can't believe that Baby is only 2 1/1 months looks great so does Daisy, Glad you and Jane and your Mum had a great time. Take care.