I don't seem to know much, but I there are some things that I do know, and there are some things that I have learned over time. I've learned another valuable lesson.
After last night's double near missed, I met up with 4 or 5 work colleagues, and we made a good night of it, although we all were soaked from the rain (more like standing in a power shower than in an autumn shower). We went to a local hotel called the Norfolk Hotel, and then afterwards on to a late night dancing club.
Eventually I ended up on a friend's sofa for a few minutes shut eye – and it was a few minutes it seemed, before I had to get up, and put my green costume, and cruise on to Fremantle ambulance station for an 11 am start (kicking the till again). Although I didn't have more than a couple of beers, I was very tired with only 3-4 hours sleep on a sofa before work.
I haven't worked in Freo before, and I was glad that I wasn't driving the ambulance, and I attended. We call it doing the doctoring, or doing the chauffeuring. We went to a normal amount of calls, including what turned out to be a regular caller, who does like to complain loads. I am normally not the most patient of person, but I thought that I would give all the time I could, because I was too tired to care about people wasting my time.
She wasn't grateful for my listening ear, and even before I had managed to tell the nurse about the lady's problems, she was on the phone complaining to her MP and also to Saint John's Ambulance Service Control about the treatment she had received (she should be grateful – at least she got ½ a milligram of "there, there", instead of a large amount of cold shoulder, or sharp tongue), and also that we took her to a hospital that would make her wait for a short while in the waiting room.
Anyway nothing came of that and the other few jobs we did weren't to taxing either. After I dropped in the last patient the nurse who I had to tell about every time we went to hospital said "It has finally come to me, I've been trying to decide who you remind me of, and now I know. You remind me of the giant in the Harry Potter films – Hagred." Now, I've been called of things, but never that. I didn't take it as a compliment, but then it wasn't meant horribly either.
And the other lesson – it is hard to work on three hours sleep, and maybe I should be my hair cut, so I don't look like a hairy giant any more.
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