Wednesday - I told you it was a stupid idea

Have you ever had what you thought is a brilliant idea, only for it to turn out to be among one of the worse ideas you’ve ever had?
I am not often given to questioning myself about things I do, and most of the time make pretty much the right decision without much thinking about it. Today was an exception to that rule!
Do you remember that I had thought that I might do some filming on the drive home, so I took the camera and camcorder out of my hold all? Do you remember how I said how that was a stupid idea? Well, taking the camera out of the bag wasn’t really the stupid idea, the stupid idea was leaving it on the desk in my room in Geraldton, and then not realizing until two days later.
You can imagine how annoyed I was, because I thought that was the last I would ever see of those cameras. And I had some footage of Daisy, Analiese, Jane, and Mum on the camera that I hadn’t copied over onto the computer yet.
I phoned to speak to the person in charge of the halls of residence, and no – nothing had been turned in, but she will ask the cleaner who would have cleaned the rooms. “Someone has a nice shiny new camera and camcorder” was all I could think, - with steam coming out my ears, and my blood pressure rising!!
I didn’t hear anything for most of the day – and as you can imagine, I was imagining the worst, but eventually the phone call came, the bag has been found. What a relief.
I’m never going to listen to my spur of the moment decisions again, and hopefully I’ll be able to avoid stupid problems like this again.
Now you know why there aren’t any pictures of the drive home from Geraldton!!!

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