Sunday – Working and Reflecting

I see that local elections have taken place in England. Obviously now as an expat, I must not count as being important enough to have a voice in what happens in the area that I once called home (Not in the ET way of calling home, but where I lived). I didn't get asked to cast a vote, even if it would have been by post. Maybe that is because no one knows my address anymore. Even I struggle to remember where I actually live, as I'm not there much at all. Anyway I'm heading back there tomorrow, with a bit of luck.

My short stint in the country is almost over. I'm at work on nights, and then tomorrow morning, I'm off back down to Perth, just in time to wash my smelly socks, and turn up at Victoria Park at 7 in the morning on Tuesday. I know that I did go on about how much time off I get (4 days of work, and then 4 days off), but these weeks have been different.

I'm trying to pay back a whole lot of shifts that I have taken off earlier in the year, and so I try to work as often as possible, including travelling about 500 km's to do some shifts.

Last night was reasonable, and I managed to get some shut eye, but not a lot, so I spent most of the day snoozing in the nursing accommodation. I wanted to go out and take photos of Geraldton for everyone, but now I am getting a little longer in the tooth, I needed a couple of hours of beauty sleep more than I used to.

There was going to be a chance that I could have stayed up here in Geraldton for a little longer, as the person I am covering (back injury) wasn't sure if he was going to be able to come back to work, but as it turns out, he has made a good recovery, and will be back at work.

Another night with the volleys/Wombles so far hasn't been too bad. I'm about to head off to get some sleep, ready for the long ride back to Perth in the morning.

I have looked at the internet, and know now why I wasn't asked to vote for anyone. The place that I call home in England didn't have local elections, so I wasn't overlooked. All I need to do now is remember how to get back to Scarborough Beach.

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