Wednesday – Can Men Multi-task??

It is a common myth that men can't multi-task. Lots of publications and T.V. talk shows espouse the myth, and sadly most men don't do anything to stop the myth perpetuating. All that said, alas sadly I think that I have helped the myth live for a while longer – but more about that later.

I was doing another shift of overtime. This time it was at an ambulance depot covering the area that I actually live in, so I thought I wouldn't be getting as lost as normal, while I was working at either Landsdale (out in the desert) or in Victoria Park (south of the Swan River). In the local A-Z map (I think I've mentioned before that it is strangely known as the UBD), all the ambulance station addresses are listed. I thought that I knew where Osbourne Park ambulance depot was actually located.

Another oddity (or difference) is that most of the Ambulance stations aren't situated on main roads, or are purpose built depots. In my experience – albeit very limited – ambulance stations in the UK are all purpose built, as there is a need for large garages, specific storage areas, offices, and large rest areas. It is understandable, as most residential areas in the UK have small properties, without the houses that have large garages and good access to most major areas.

Perth is slightly different. Except for a couple of the very new ambulance stations, or the very old, (Fremantle Ambulance Depot was built in 1958 – according to the plaque outside) the ambulance depots are just residential housed in residential areas. Osbourne Park depot is just a 4 bedroom (2 single beds in each – sleeping is encouraged on night shifts), 2 bathroom house, and then (because of the number of ambulances stationed there) the garage has been extended.

Anyway because of its location in a small residential area of Osbourne Park – mostly retail parks and industrial parks, I couldn't find the depot, and was late. That was quite embarrassing for me as it is only 10 minutes away from my flat. The other paramedic I work with is getting married in a week, and if I had to hear about "Patrick this and Patrick that" and all the wedding plans once, I must have heard about them 10 times. However, I did score an invite to a dinner out with others from Osbourne Park before the wedding.

After work I went to a little get together with the guys from my ambulance shift (Blue). While chatting away with some of the other paramedics, Jane rang me, and so I looked at my phone, and then in true men can't multi-task style (this time it was having a drink and using a phone) I put my drink to my ear, and my phone towards my mouth. By the time I answered my phone, I had poured a fair amount of drink down my shirt.

I'm going to have to concentrate on doing one thing at once in the future!!!

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