Tuesday – Business as normal resumes

Weather reports say that it is going to be partly cloudy. In England we would call it fine, but it seems that in Perth the meaning of fine is much different. If there is even one cloud in the sky, then it is partly cloudy and not fine.

Anyway, it was a warm afternoon, and so it was time for one of my more regular pastimes of the summer months, but I haven't enjoyed it recently. Yes, you guessed it, BBQ time.

Just close to the flat is a place called Brighton Beach (how ironic – 15,000 miles and I'm still only a couple minutes from Brighton Beach). This is the where I went. A few other paramedics who live nearby were also there. It was great to catch up on old times (although not that old – it's hard to reminisce about good old days when you only know the people for about 2 to 3 months).

The evening was very cold though. I'm having to "rug up" in the evening (put warm clothes on). Who would have thought that only a couple months ago it was in the high 30's late into the night, and I couldn't wait to find somewhere cold?

I'll never understand the Aussies I don't think, but at least I enjoy a lot of their customs – BBQ's, and making up silly words and phrases to describe anything.

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