Wednesday - Same story, Different Day

Nothing worth mentioning happened today. I fell asleep on the sofa, woke up at 2 AM, and dragged myself to bed. I did get up early and attended work on an early shift, which started at 7 AM.

You’ll be interested to know that I’m slowly becoming a coffee barista – making fancy coffee. I found a coffee machine (espresso/cappuccino) on sale in the local supermarket for about £10. I’ve got it set up and get it all primed up for the early start the night before. As you know, if you cut me, I would bleed coffee, and not blood, so I do need a fair amount of Columbia’s Finest every morning to get me going.

There is a variety of coffee over here that, unusually, is called something different that its counterpart in England. In a coffee shop at home you would order an Americana, which as you might know is a coffee with a little bit of hot milk in the top. Over here it is called a Flat White. That is what I have been practicing making.

Armed with my Flat White, and a good dose of enthusiasm, I went to work. Neither lasted very long, with the usual array of regular transfers, and routine discharges. I think part of the problem is that today I was scheduled to drive the ambulance all day, and it is hard to stay really interested in what is happening. The most taxing thing is remembering the way from one hospital to another.

The only good thing is my coffee cup never really emptied, as I was constantly filling it up at each hospital.

I’m a big fan of one of Columbia’s greatest export.

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