Tuesday - Is it to much to ask to relax in Peace!!

Tuesday was a workday again. I’d just about recovered from my excursion up the road to Geraldton. I arrived at work at the crack of dawn, for a 7 until 5 shift. You can see why I love this day ambulance lark. I don’t have to go to work until 10 on Wednesday, and that means that I can have another lie-in in the morning.

Work wasn’t particularly taxing, and we managed to get off home on time, which is a added bonus when working on the day ambulances, as the control room are all geared up for the usual finish times, and can easily forget about the people with odd time finishes. It happened a lot in Brighton as well, and you had to work at not getting any jobs, or not being available during the last 30 minutes of your shift.

Anyway, I got home with no particular dramas, and settled in for an evening of watching the telly, when all of a sudden there was some almighty racket outside. The sound of tires squealing, car engines revving up to where they should explode, and lots of drunken laughter went on for what seemed like ages.

After 5 minutes, bravely I thought I would pop my head outside to see what was making all the noise. I was quickly joined by 5 or 6 of the apartments in our block. On the road in front of the apartments were a couple cars, and about 9 or 10 little rat bags driving them (only one rat bag at a time was actual driving – the others there were all shouting moral support).

Let me explain a little about some of the half brained idiots who live in Perth. Their idea of fun is to take their car (usually a very powerful V8 Ute) and just do burn outs and wheel spins, and see how far they can leave darkies on the road (a darkie is a skid mark from a tyre). The police like to get very interested in this sort of behaviour, and have powers to confiscate and crush the car if the rat bags are caught doing this a couple of times (First offence, and you lose your car for 48 hours). All over the roads you can see darkies – in straight lines, going around corners, making little ‘S’ shapes all over the roads. As it is frowned upon, some brain dead kids think it is good to use out of the way roads and dead ends.

This is what was going on outside the apartment. When one of the other neighbours laughed at the gang of youths, and without being rude said “Is that the best can do?” the young kiddies took offense, and started to front up to everyone and decided to prove how macho they were by swearing a lot.I didn’t like the look of the whole situation, and so I went inside, called the police, and carried on cooking my dinner. I know what you are thinking – I am very brave

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