If any one had told me last year (when I was four months pregnant), that in a years time I would have moved to Australia, I would have thought that they were completely mad, and, that I would have gone insane. And not only that, but I would spend 7 months in the UK on my own with two small children, then I would have thought not only am I insane but I've had a lobotomy as well!
But no, here I am or should I say here we are, as a family – living 'down under'.
Top tips for any one getting in the export packers when you up sticks and relocate your entire life – make sure you put aside any thing you don't want packed and shipped! The packers were so quick, that a few extras are now making their way from old Blighty! They include Daisy's library books ("oh, you better renew online" quote from the library when I rang to explain), and a couple of cast iron pans belonging with our range cooker in the UK (nice and light!! Not!)
We hired a skip and were quite ruthless sorting through our years of accumulative junk, how liberating! I would recommend everyone hire a skip every five years and have a good old clearout. Tidy house equals tidy head in my book (and not as I hear some of you say, empty house means empty head!)
Watching the guys packing up all our worldly belongings, it looked pretty easy. And very quick! Day 1 everything pretty much except for large items of furniture was packed into boxes, Day 2 all the furniture had to be export wrapped. Basically all items of furniture had to be wrapped either in bubble wrap or in huge brown paper bags. Time was of the essence as our 20ft container was sat outside on the road, and as they say, time is money.
To speed things up, David and I decided to lend a hand, after all how hard could it be? I was an expert at Christmas wrapping! Any one remembers the Generation Game? Well, that would be a great task to complete! After wrestling frantically for five minutes with an enormous brown paper bag, I decided to join forces with David and together we managed to wrap…. The high chair!!!
Everything fitted into our container, which by now should be bobbing around on a big container ship somewhere. And that as they say is that.
We spent the following week catching up with family, before heading off for our big adventure!
Is it a Big Adventure or Mid Life Crisis? Big Adventure of Course! It started on Tuesday 6th August.
There we all were, Birmingham airport, checking in, 2 adults, 1 child and 1 infant – nothing unusual there. Then came our luggage…. 1 baby buggy, 2 car seats, 3 large suitcases, 1 small suitcase, 1 hold all and 1 more suitcase. "£600 for the last suitcase" excess baggage charge!
Do you think we are stupid – I hope not! The bag didn't get checked in, and here my friends comes our next top tip. Why do you think there is always a luggage store in the airport? It's so that people like us can go and purchase a cabin size wheelie bag. Pack the most useful items into it, and send the practically empty suitcase home! Grandma has recently acquired an extra suitcase and 3 blue towels! And we were the smug owners of a new cabin bag, packed with the last of our possessions!
Having made this Trans global expedition with 2 small children once already this year, I like to think we were quite prepared. And anyone thinking of making this type of journey with small children here are my suggestions:
Group seating – If you can, check in online. David did a great job making sure we were sat together and that we had a bassinet, or sky cot. (This is a cot that slots onto the bulkhead, great for small babies, and tired parents!)
Timing – look at the flight times. We picked the shorter sector to depart mid afternoon and the long 12 hour sector overnight. Why is this important? We want our kids to sleep! We made the mistake when Daisy was 18 months old. The outbound flight was fine; we booked the flight overnight, result she slept. We were too excited about our holiday at the time to think of the return sector and it departed at mid day. Even though we had bought Daisy a seat, she spent half the flight wriggling on my lap! Not recommended! Luckily we timed it just right. My girls were the perfect sleeping angels for most of the time!
Entertainment – Make sure you have plenty to keep your little darlings entertained! Most aircraft have some sort of in-flight entertainment system on board, and our flight was no exception. Daisy quite happily watched The Wizard of Oz and The Aristocats on repeat! I also packed lots of little treats or presents. These ranged from sticker books, to story books etc. We also had our supply of washable felt pens with lids that were attached and couldn't fall on the floor and get lost and magic pens that work only on the special paper provided.
Clothing – For the kids I always put in 2 pairs of pajamas'. I always pack a change of undies (in case of an unscheduled stop) and a clean T-shirt. Just in case your kid is sick… on you!
Essentials – Calpol sachets (a must in case of colds and blocked ears), nappies and wipes (always pack more than you need in case of delays), rubbish bags (have you ever stopped to look at just how dirty the plane looks when you get off it?)
I could go on, but now I am boring you!
Eighteen hours later we landed. The Heaths have arrived!