Wednesday – Mundane is fun

There was nothing much of any significance that happen today. More routine and mundane tasks like sweeping, mopping, washing, and polishing (that was just my car – eventually I get around to the flat, but who knows when, probably the Saturday afternoon before flying home). I thought that maybe if I threw away all the junk that I had lying around in the car, miraculously the GPS et al would somehow turn up.

Guess what – none of it turned up. In fact, I found more things that had gone missing. I kept a small pot of change in the car to pay for little things like parking metres, and drive through coffee. My little fund got the change out of my pocket after finishing work, and for some reason, I always seemed to have a lot of change in my pockets. Anyway, the drinks/parking fund also had taken flight. I've come to terms with it, but if I do catch whoever it was who robbed me, I'll have his guts for garters.

Mandarah is where I am supposed to be going tomorrow, and so I thought I'll get an early night, as I've got a long drive (not by Australian standard I hasten to add) ahead of me to get to work. I had all intentions of doing that, until about 5 in the evening my phone rang and would you believe it, an invite out for a bite to eat. That was lucky, as I'd not got any of my Lite and Easy hot meals left.

After a large bowl of pasta, and a couple small glasses of wine, I retired back to the flat, and looking at the list of things to do, I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to get much rest before the new block of shifts.

I had tried to get a load of washing dried inside after the torrential rain yesterday. I had hung everything up inside. There wasn't a surface/door frame/rail that didn't have a couple pairs of smalls, or socks, or a t-shirt hanging off it. By the time I got in from the cafe and get everything else packed, none of the items were dry. That will be nice, if the estate agent girls come round for an inspection while I'm in Mandurah on Thursday or Friday.

I did eventually get to sleep, safe in the knowledge that 5:30 in the morning was going to come around ever so quickly. I was right.

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