Last night I arrived at the beach house – eventually after the second episode of trying. I had driven around Golden Bay after work, looking for "The Best Fish and Chips Anywhere" (According to Carol, who lent me the keys to the place) that is right around the corner. I couldn't find the place (maybe I did, as there was a fish and chip shop, but it was closed).
After some map juggling (I will figure out how to read it soon, and not mention it again – either that or get a new GPS to replace the one that the rat bags took) I eventually found the right property – remember my difficulties yesterday morning. It was dark, so I couldn't take any photos of the place. I'll pop some photos of the place later when I get here during the day.
Let me describe my first impressions of the place. No wonder I missed it the first time I drove down the road yesterday morning. There wasn't a driveway, just an overgrown (about 3 feet high weeds) what only can be described as a paddock. It was so overgrown, that even when I knew where the entrance should be, I almost missed it.
After negotiating the jungle, I was confronted by a two storey building with some cement steps up to a door on the second floor. The ground floor has a garage and then the rest of the building could easily be on stilts. I climbed the stairs up to the front door with some in trepidation. Again the key problem seemed to almost rear its ugly head again. The key ring has 6 keys on it, and it was the 6th key that I tried that opened the front door. (Why is it always the last key you try – but why would you try any other keys if the first one works?)
I let myself into the property and was confronted (after finding my torch, then the fuse box – I did know the fuses where turned off) by a very basic house, that felt a little run down, and a little neglected. The house is an old railway station (as I said the other day – it is from a place called Konnongorring – I'm not making it up).
I spent the first hour bleaching and trying to clean the shower and toilet – not that anyone has been scummy in it, just that the window wasn't screened, and been left open. Imagine the dirt, and dead insects in it. Anyway – it's cleaner now than it has been for a long time.
Who knows what actually will happen during the day – I'll let you know on Saturday!
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