My goodness – how much rain fell last night? I don't know how much rain, but I think I would be better off with a boat, not a car! The rain had been threatening most of the afternoon on Saturday, and although the skies were clear, Kim (the man who lives next door to me in Scarborough) did give me a quick lesson in old timers' weather forecasting yesterday evening.
Kim is a very interesting fellow. He works (I'm not sure what he does – he did tell me, but I couldn't understand what he said, and now am too embarrassed to ask again), and goes to work about 4 in the morning. He is about 50 (it looks like) and is as Australian as Kangaroos and Koalas. He looks after the communal driveway and communal areas of the apartments. Every week he takes all the wheelie bins out to the road (I put my own out if I get there before him), and puts them back at everyone's house, after the bin man has emptied them. He also sweeps the drive at least once or twice a week.
Anyway, he pointed out the sea and Rottnest Island (we can see the see from the apartments), and indicated to where the large bank of cloud was – out on the horizon – and said something. I caught something about 1 or 2 in the morning, and lots of rain.
Sure enough, he got it right – the rain came in torrents at about 1:30, and there was no let up. When I went to the beach house in Golden Bay after work in the morning, I couldn't get down the first road I tried, as it was covering in water about 1-2 feet deep (or should I talk about centimetres), and the other road (there is only two roads into Golden Bay) was also under water, but not as deep. I gingerly drove through, and picked my way to the house.
It wasn't underwater, and the roof wasn't leaking (amazingly). I snuggled up under my duvet (not only was it raining, but also cold, and I still didn't feel brave enough to light the fire), and slept like a baby, until it was time to go to work in the evening.
When I did wake up, it was still raining. "Oh no" was my thoughts, as I picked my way around the flooded roads. The water was covering the road still, but as the rain wasn't teeming down anymore, my trusty little car only was underwater up to the door sills.
I'm going to ask Kim tomorrow about the weather for the rest of the week, so I don't keep getting my washing rained on!
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