I don't know if it funny to everyone, but I think it is. I had thought that after doing something for so long (I've been doing night shift of some description or other since I left school – except for the couple years I was in Corfu working or at the DIY shop) it would great to be like a normal person and only work during the day – maybe I can't be a normal person, but at least I can continue to act like one. That is why over the last 8 weeks I've been enjoying working on the day ambulance (shifts were from 7 until 5 or 10 until 8 4 days on, and then I'd have 4 days off).
Well, this week I've moved back off the day ambulance, onto a shift that operates 24 hours a day again (8 till 6 during the day, and 6 till 8 in the morning). I did enjoy my time working only days, but have realized that I am able to have more time off it seems doing the 2 days, 2 nights, and then 4 days off. It is only what it seems like, as I am actually working more hours, but because it is only 2 days in a row, and then having 24 hours off, and then two nights in a row, before 4 days off. It is only perception, but it keeps me happy – as I'm quite a simple person.
Anyway – I did have another funny/frustrating episode yesterday, after I wrote about the place I was staying. I was on a day shift, and after arriving at work, I realized I didn't have my Scarborough house keys, that should be connected to my car keys. I am not having any luck with keys this week. When I lose something and think I know where it is, I can't rest until I've tried to find them. Anyway, as I was going to be going back to Scarborough late Friday night, and had no way to get the spare keys from the estate agent until Saturday morning, I thought I'd better retrace my steps, and see if I can find them. The list of locations I had been since I last remembered having them for sure was a local corner shop in Golden Bay, a bottle shop (I had a small glass of wine last night in the "House of Horror" to calm my nerves) and then finally at the house itself. I thought probably the house would be the best bet, and so in between jobs, we popped up to Golden Bay and to the beach house.
I don't remember if I mentioned that there was no drive way, only an overgrown lawn (using that word loosely – you might more accurately call it a meadow, or even a heath (he he he), but whatever you call it, it is very much overgrown). When we arrived, I drove the ambulance up to the front door, and went inside and turned the place upside down; I couldn't find my house keys. I looked around the lawn, but didn't hold out much hope to find them. Surely enough – no keys to be found (but then again I didn't think so as the house keys are on a green key ring, and what with the grass being green, and me not being able to distinguish green to well, a whole raft of things seemed to be conspired against me).
Anyway, I'd given up all hope, and got in the ambulance. We started to back up, but then change our mind, and decided to turn around on the front grass. As we started up the drive a gleam of shiny silver caught our eye. Low and behold the keys. We didn't find them initially, because we'd parked the ambulance on top of them and the wheels had pushed the grass down enough to see the key. I felt so relieved.
Anyway, I went home and got into my house alright, slept well. Saturday was easy, and work was good as well. I'm glad I'm doing 2 days, 2 nights and 4 days off again.
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