Wednesday – Am I really like the Indian-Pacific

As I said, my overtime hiatus only lasted about 1 week, before I was back into it. As I had said that I would do Wednesday night, I thought I might as well get my money's worth, and do Tuesday night as well, as it was offered to me. And I enjoy working nights – who wouldn't enjoy being paid for sleeping.

I had been offered a volunteer's spot on Tuesday night, because (and can you blame them) no one wanted to give up their evening/night for nothing. I was teamed up with another paramedic, but she was a very enthusiastic paramedic, who was a pleasure to work with, as she conferred/talked to me about what she was thinking. I guess that is what being a team is all about.

We had got back to base about midnight, after a couple of jobs, and decided it was time to inspect the eyelids, for leaks. Our rest area (each ambulance crew has a designated rest area) was a lot like my room at college with only a small divider to separate the two rest areas, each with an easy chair, and a cot. We both were tired, and climbed into our cots, and it wasn't before I, snuggled up under my duvet, was in the land of nod.

We got about 2 hours sleep before we had to get up, and rush off to the next job. Lisa mentioned that she hadn't really been able to sleep when I asked her if she'd got any rest for the last two hours. Those of you who have worked nights with me would know what her complaint is I'm sure. She said that after about 10 seconds I sounded like the Indian-Pacific on its 36 hour journey from Perth to Sydney (it's a train).

After the job, we hurried back to base and I said that I was going to watch the Euro 2008 football – being shown live on TV. In reality I was trying to be thoughtful (unusually) and was going to sleep in the easy chair in the mess area, so that Lisa could get some much needed sleep.

I did get some sleep, but not a lot, and so after finishing work, I went back to Golden Bay, and it wasn't long before the Indian Pacific was working its way across the continent again, this time not being interrupted by sick people, and I only moved when it was time to head back into work, and earn more money. At least I could sleep without keeping anyone awake!

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