The lack of motivation was in evidence again when I woke up. I'm going to call it the "Coming up to a holiday, and a lot of days off malaise". I'm not sure it will catch on – maybe it's called being lazy. Anyway there are a couple things that I did need to do sometime today, so I thought "Now is as good a time as any to get out of my fleapit!"
After a couple of gallons of coffee to get my engine started, I looked at the list of things to do. There was nothing to it, but start – in the time honoured fashion – at the beginning. Washing washed and drying – dishes in the dishwasher – floors swept and mopped – bedding changed. That took about 1 hour, and it was actually quite necessary. There is someone from the estate agents coming around tomorrow for a 2 month house inspection.
When Analiese, Daisy and Jane get here, Jane and I decided that we would try and make Daisy's room as homely as possible. That will involve buying some of her favourite bedding. I thought that I would head out and get what was required. This involved another of my less than favourite tasks. I'm not a normal person, I've decided, and going to the mall isn't my idea of fun.
Anyway – I did reluctantly go, and once I got there, I was sidetracked into a coffee shop, and I sat there for about 30 minutes – watching the world go by, before heading into a couple department stores to get the bedding. It wasn't completely successful, but I got some of what I wanted. "I know – I'll go to everyone's favourite – IKEA." Again – after steeling myself in the IKEA Cafe for a while, I went looking for the bedding department.
As I walked in, I was reminded why I dislike shopping really – the IKEA sale was on – and it looked like every Brit in Perth had come to look as what was on offer. Anyway – in the bedding department – some of the items were discounted and looked like everything had been well and truly picked over. I found what I was looking for – so I thought – and headed to the check out.
Getting home I've realised that I'd bought the wrong size quilt covers. That leads me to something I didn't realise gets on my nerves, but now know it is super frustrating. That is when after doing some browsing, items aren't put back into the right place. Why do people not put things back where the picked the items up from. I'm going to have to brave the store once more tomorrow to swap the items.
So in my list of things that gets under my skin immediately, the words "IKEA Sale" and not putting things back where they belong are up there on now!