Tuesday – Shut your eyes, and you wouldn’t know it’s Perth

A little while ago I received a letter from the Sussex Police. It was stating that as I was a witness to a crime that I had seen, that I was entitled to some help from some "witness help" scheme. It was all because I had "witnessed" a murder. What actually happened was that I attended as a paramedic to someone, and attempted to resuscitate them. It wasn't really the most successful thing I've ever done, but we still packed the unfortunate fellow off to hospital.

Because of this, and then the subsequent statement that I had to pass along to the police, I was listed in the list of witnesses. (If you asked me, I didn't witness very much, and could remember even less Your Honour). Anyway, all this help was available to me, if I wanted it. I guess that it is good for the people that need it, but at the time I was "Just Doing My Job".

Anyway, after my little brush with the unpleasant side of the law yesterday, I wonder if anything like that will be offered to me. Maybe I'll need to report the theft of my cool bag to the police. I can see that they are going to drop everything and rush to try and find the little toe-rag. There aren't ASBOs here, but definitely there needs to be.

Alternatively, I'll just loiter around down near the beach promenade near the local drop-kicks of society hang out, and see if any of them want to sell me back belongings.

Anyway – I didn't do any of that, in fact, I did nothing much all day. (Unusual I know). I watched 2 or 3 DVD's I'd got on weekly hire from the Video library, and then – thinking about my upcoming excursion to Mandurah, thought I would get my uniform washed, dried, ironed, and packed.

Owing to the inclement weather, I only managed to do one of the 4 tasked I'd planned. The local news was going on about a tornado that ripped through one of the suburbs down south. We'd gotten loads of rain, and with the wind howling in off the sea, it could have been a late autumn day in Brighton (10 days until winter here).

So with the rain, and being a victim of crime, I might as well have been in Brighton.


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