Friday – I’ve got to learn that!!


Friday wasn't a very good day. I was cruising along in autopilot mode, and just picking up the people that had called the ambulance, and trundled them to hospital. We had a medical student join us. Ambulances are always taking out one student or another, and it can be quite frustrating.

One of his optional parts of his course was 6 weeks with the ambulance service, and generally he was working with others, but we all have been taking turns to let him accompany us. Normally we managed to swerve taking him out, because he didn't come to work until 8, and we started generally at 7 or 10.

Anyway, a whole bunch of circumstances conspired together to have him on board our ambulance for the day. That was alright mostly, as he as keen to get stuck in, and told us that he would do all the history taking of the patients, as he was good at that. (Sorry to use jargon – taking is history finding out about the event and relevant facts leading up to the medical event) And he volunteered to do anything he could (Great, I don't have to it).

I say volunteered and only told us that he was good at taking a history, because the first patient we went to who was someone having some chest pain, Jesse said he would take the medical history, and then stood there dumbstruck, when we were confronted by the patient. I guess he's passed his course in ESP and was using mind reading techniques, because he definitely wasn't doing any talking.

Anyway – he had his chance, and because of the urgency of the situation, I took over (I was attending) and after finding out about the situation, took the lady to hospital. After that one, there were 4 or 5 more patients, who got the ESP history taking as well, up until about home time. He'll make a great doctor.

Last call of the day was a nasty accident. It was a tough old motorcyclist, who had been hit by a car, and despite every effort of everyone, he didn't survive. That is why I said my happy bubble burst, as I had to actually use a lot of the skills, and techniques I'd learned, to no effect. There was three paramedics at the scene (I count myself in that) and the Medical Student, and then a couple surgeons, and consultants (not the one who upset me last week), and about 10 nurses who all tried to help, but to no avail.

I was late home, and thought I would go to the local hotel for a quick debrief. The cricket was on, and the company was almost all English builders and brickies (just like being in the Albion). I reflected on the day. Maybe it wasn't so bad. The medical student certainly was keen, and did a lot of help at the accident. It was good to use some skills I've not used for a while (nice to know I still know how). I wonder where I can learn mind reading. I'll have to ask Jesse (the medical student) tomorrow if it is a course only open to doctors, or can anyone take it.

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