Monday – I didn’t think lightning sticks twice

I don't remember if I mentioned that about 2 months ago, right after Jane left, that I had my car broken into. It was while I was in between houses, and I was staying in a bed and breakfast for a night. After getting into my house, and unpacking, I had come up with an inventory of what I'd lost. It included the charging lead and little thingy that sticks the GPS to the windscreen of the car. They missed the GPS, because I had taken it inside with me; that and my cooler bag that I take my lunch to work in, and my work bag.

Anyway, I've replaced the cooler bag, and got replacements for my GPS. Last night (after parking in my car port at my house) I left the replacement cooler bag in the car, and thought (as it was right outside the front door) that the GPS would be alright in the glove box of the car.

Routine morning started at about 7. Coffee, and then some banking and paperwork, before getting ready for work, and heading out the door about 9:30 for a 10 o'clock start.

Driving to work, I thought, "Oh no, I've left my cool bag at home", but running late, I carried on to work. As I was getting closer, and pausing at the traffic lights (each cycle takes about 2 or 3 minutes when you get a red light in Perth – it can be very frustrating). I started to get my stuff into my work bag, when like a light, everything became clear.

I hadn't left the cool bag at home; it had been in the car overnight. Also I hadn't left the door unlocked, and ajar. Some little scum bag had opened the door (old car, easy to get into) – on later inspection there are a lot of scratches about the door frame that hadn't been there before, and robbed me again. AARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! Right outside my own flat in the car port as well.

Well, quick invoice of my lost items now include the GPS (but left me the windscreen thingy and charging lead that I replaced from last time) cool bag (again – I'm going to get another one soon) and the very worst thing – the keys to my beach house I'm going to be borrowing. I've told Carol's boyfriend – who was understanding, and I'm going to replace the lock when I get there on Thursday. The little rat bags that took the stuff most likely wouldn't be able to work out where the place is anyway, as it is about 1 ½ hours south of Scarborough.

There is an alarm and immobilizer that arm automatically on my car (all cars here have to have them fitted before you can get them taxed) but I kept triggering the alarm, so I had turned it off completely. Maybe it was supposed to be as sensitive as that. Anyway I live and learn. I've re-activated the alarm – although something about horses bolting and open barn doors closing spring to mind.

So I had a very bad day, but at least it was my last day of 4 working, and some days off from tomorrow, so all is well now.

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