Monday – Too Late Again

I'm someone who likes to be on time, and when someone tells me a time to be somewhere, I'll move heaven and earth to be there at that time. I do know people who think that 15-20 minutes late is acceptable and don't think even to call ahead and let people know they are running late. I know that I'm occasionally guilty of lateness myself. But then, who is perfect, I'm definitely not.

Anyway, while sitting around the house Monday morning, there was a report that although it wasn't winter time yet, there have been three whales spotted close by to where I'm living in Scarborough. I rushed down to the beach, and joined about three to four hundred other people, who must have heard the same news report. Overhead there were a couple of helicopters, and a few kayaks, and some people on surfboards out about 200 metres offshore.

I was looking out towards where the helicopters where circling, and guess what I saw...

If you think about the arriving late at people's houses when you are invited for dinner, it is a tricky one. When someone invites you over for dinner at let's say 7 o'clock. Are they expecting you at 7 with the dinner on the table, or are you expected to be a little late, and dinner will be ready at say 7:45. It is a tough call. I'm an invite you for 7 to serve up at 7:05 usually.

Anyway – back to the whales. I took loads of photos of where everyone was pointing. They were Southern Right Whales. I'm no marine biologist, and didn't notice that they were actually Right Wales even if I had noticed the distinctive V shaped blow plume coming up from their head. (I think I'm meant to credit Wikipedia here.) Anyway I would have had to seen the whales to notice the plumes.

Actually I can't say with 50% certainty that I even saw the whales. I've looked through the photos and zoomed in a lot, but I didn't see anything. . I didn’t put the pictures on today’s writings, because I don’t think that you need another picture of the beach again. The only way that I'm even sure they were there was whales off shore was the pictures on the news. Too late again, I think... I'm start to not like myself even.

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