Friday – Nights

It was Friday again. My, how time seems to fly when you are having fun? So far I've only done 1 Friday night shift, and that was last week, with loads of time back on the depot. I wasn't sure that was a true reflection of what was in store for me this evening.

I just messed around during the day, trying to relax and rest. It wasn't particularly warm out (between 25-30 degrees), and so although I went to the sea front, I didn't disrobe for the world to see my rippling biceps and bulging hamstrings. (I woke up then, and realized the only thing that ripples on me is my tummy, and it is about the only thing that bulges at the moment as well!) The waves were massive, and there were some people setting up another sort of event.

There seems to be things on at the beach most weekends and this event was another surf life saving championships, but this time it wasn't for kids, it was for adults. It is going to be quite intense down on the beach over the weekend. I may come down

Anyway I did eventually go to work, and really the quality of the jobs was very poor. Mostly people who didn't have anyone to talk to, and thought that a hospital would be a nice place to spend the evening. The most common answer to the question "Have you seen a doctor about your ________ (fill in the blank with any minor complain/ailment) that you've had for the last ___ (anywhere between 3 days and 14 months) before calling me?" is "I didn't want to bother them for something like this" – said all singsong moaning, hardly any effort put into the words.

I can't be bothered with people who haven't tried to help themselves before wasting my time at 4 in the morning for some minor ailment that neither needs hospital, or if they did need hospital, they definitely don't need an ambulance. "What is wrong with the 4 cars in the driveway? Can nobody drive you to the hospital to look after your sunburn??"

If you have tried to look after yourself, and done as instructed by the GP's, I don't mind at all, and will help you with anything.

Anyway – dealing with that sort of malingerer all night (7 non-urgent cases out of 9 jobs) I had had enough. At least I'll be able to sleep the day away.

The night certainly dragged. What was I saying about time flying when you have fun? It definitely wasn't fun!!!!!

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