Have you ever noticed, if you are late, everything seems to conspire against you? It was the case this morning.
It was a rare occasion I know, but I actually had to go to work! What have I come to Australia for? I had set the trusty alarm clock (remember the dramas during training school with being late because of my mobile phone alarm) for 0630, in time to get out to the desert for about 0740, ready for an 8 am start.
I think the v. large meal (of salad I hastily add) and all that pondering about why last night must have really tired me out. The alarm woke me at 0630, as it should. I thought, "I'm awake now, I'll turn the alarm off after one go on the snooze button!" and with that turned the alarm off.
The next thing I know it was 0720 and I was still lying in my cosy little pit without a care in the world. Then the realization hit – I had 40 minutes to get up, get ready for work, and drive the 20 minutes it takes to get to Landsdale, once there iron my work shirt, and check the ambulance all in time for a prompt 8 am start. It wasn't going to happen.
After I finished getting ready = cold shower as well, because I couldn't wait the requisite 3 minutes for the hot water to run through (looking like Freddy Kruger had shaved me) all I could do in the car was endure the traffic. Where had everyone come from all of a sudden? Why can no one drive sensibly yet?
I did get to work right on the stroke of 8 am (not late really), but without any breakfast, or my much needed gallon of coffee. Luckily, I had picked up a carton of iced coffee out of the fridge before I left home, so I didn't feel too hard done by.
Moreover, work only entailed two jobs all day, so I was reasonably relaxed when I went home. Great this lark isn't it.
I think that tomorrow when I get up, I'll not turn the alarm off until I am vertical and feeling good. I bet that if I am not running late, there will be no one on the road, and there will be hot water instantly, and the little razor cuts will have healed up nicely, and …
We live and learn.
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