A bit like Wednesday – not really much happened. The ambulance station is being painted (by some definite cowboys – how can they call themselves painters, I could do a better job, and I am no good at it). The fumes from the paint made it really unpleasant on base and my crewmate and I thought about asking if we could be moved to another base.
We only discussed it between ourselves, but we enjoy being in the black hole of ambulances so we put up with the fumes.
Our first job wasn't until 11:30 or 12:00. Typical, as it was when I had decided to make some toast for lunch. Oh well. After we were out and about, we didn't really ever get back until the end of the shift. As a matter of fact (owing to the traffic, and the time we got the jobs) we didn't finish for 2 hours after shift time.
Those guys who are in the ambulance service wonder how you could possible make two hours. Well we do like to push the over runs out as it is very financially lucrative. If we are over time by 1 hour, we get a meal allowance (about $15) as well as being paid double time ($50 an hour). That was all good there then.
I was taken aside by my team leader and given an official looking letter, and asked to read it. As it turned out, it was an assessment about whether I should carry on being on probation, and whether I should be recommended for permanent residency. He asked me what I thought – "No more probation and definite permanent residency" was my reply. It was all very light-hearted, but when the team leader got serious, he did say that he had only heard good reports about my work, and I am an asset to St. John's Ambulance Service here.
I know he says that to everyone, but it is nice to have your ego massaged. Anyway, I have had my probation period finished, and I'm being recommended to be allowed to apply for permanent residency when the time comes up.
So when all said and done, all the news today was good for me. I slept well.
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