Home is where the heart is

Here is a couple photos of the house that we are borrowing while everyone is out visiting me. It is in a very nice part of town called Kinross. That is about 30 minutes north of the main city of Perth itself.

Perth is made up in squares pretty much, and each square is called a suburb. Each suburb has a couple of shopping areas, a couple of schools, and some park land. It makes even the most run down areas look quite reasonable.

Kinross is a mini England, with almost everyone who I have met here so far predominately English. Most of the Aussies live closer to the city, or down south of the Swan River.

As you can see from the photos, we have made ourselves at home, and can picture ourselves living in the house here. The kitchen is very similar to the one in the house in Shannon Close, even down to some of the pots and pans are identical to the ones that I have left behind in England.

There are 4 bedrooms, with one of them having an on-suite bathroom attached to it. There are also 2 living rooms and a large dining room. It is pretty much a typical Aussie home. People don't use the front lounge much.

It is just what we need for the three weeks that we will be using it. It is a relief to be out of the flea pit in Innaloo, although, I'm still at a loose end after Jane and Daisy and Analiese go back to England.

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