Monday – Does anyone know the answers?

It is holiday time today. It is very strange that in Western Australia and Perth Labour day weekend is a different weekend holiday to other parts of Australia. I have asked around and there doesn't seem to be anyone who knows the reasons why. That goes down into the long list of why that I don't have an answer for:

  1. Why is there a national holiday that isn't national across the country?
  2. Why is the Queen's Birthday a different day in Western Australia to everywhere else?
  3. Why is there a Daylight Savings Time trial, when all the voters said not to have one?
  4. Why do Aussie's shorten all words to silly abbreviations?
  5. Why is it still 35 degrees in the autumn?

These are only a few of the questions that I would like to have answered, but don't think I will. Anyway, it was a holiday here, and the sun was shining. It didn't take long to work out what I should do with the day.

After replying to some correspondence (that took until about three in the afternoon – I wasn't really trying to hard) and answering the request for the recipe for my Sticky Spare Rib recipe, and my Spicy Chicken Wings recipe (you can find both on the blog now); I packed up my bag, and headed to the beach. How could I resist?

In a couple weeks there is a big competition being held at Scarborough Beach (my nearest one) – Australian Surf Lifesaving National Championship. There were some of the competitors practicing just as I arrived. It was a great spectacle.

Just watching them exhausted me, and so I had a short snooze on the beach. That is always a bad idea in the heat. Even with SPF factor 30+ on, I did get a little lobster like after 3/4's of an hour. Time for a swim/play in the surf, but I did have to stay away from where the people were practicing. I didn't want them to mistake me for a rival.

The evening was quite uneventful. You will be pleased to know that I had a real result for my tea. I went to the local steak house chain (Sizzler), and had the all you can eat salad bar, and bottomless tea coffee and soft drinks, and as many bowls of ice cream as possible (I didn't actually have any steak) for $16.00 (about £8) for the lot. Do I need to say I did eat all I could?

The evening then passed with entertainment from Sly Stallone (not in one of his finer pieces of work). Rambo 4 is a little bit rubbish, and when people weren't being maimed, killed, dismembered, or generally blown up, the dialogue wasn't up to much, and the acting up to even less. Save your money!

That is another good question that no one will know the answer to; Sylvester – Why?????

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