Sunday - It was a Sunday Session

After the stress of yesterday, I thought that I did need a relaxing day, not falling out with anyone, or even crossing swords with anyone. Too Easy (more Aussie slang) I thought, there are a couple things that I’ll do today.

I was up quite early, and though “Hmmm, Sunday – I think I deserve something special for brekkie”. I sat and had a large buffet breakfast, and took my time over it. Let me see, off the top of my head it was fresh fruit, bacon sausages, and eggs, pancakes, and syrup, some more fruit, and finished off with a small bowl of cereal. All of that lot was washed down with a large amount of coffee, and juice. Just what the doctor ordered I think.

I trundled off to church, and then remembered afterwards (actually it was during the service) that there was some beach volleyball competition on. I had watched some of it the day before, but today was the semi finals and finals of the men and the women’s competition. I drove down to where it was taking place.

The place is Scarborough Beach, and there is a mini stadium that has been built there, with a large semicircular seating area, with the beach just in front. I watched the ladies finals, and then the men’s finals. It was great.

I returned home, and got ready to go out. The guys from the ambulance shift that I work on had arranged to meet up in town at a local hotel for the afternoon.

I did pop down, and we all had a lot of fun. It was exactly what I needed. No one was asking me anything too technical, or ordering me around. In fact the only ordering was done at the bar! I got in about 9 in the evening. I couldn’t even remember where I left my car (there wasn’t much parking space nearby the hotel).
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