Saturday – The Beach isn’t only for swimming

It was a lot quieter night last night, and that was a much needed relief after the hard night previously. I got about 2 – 3 hours on base through the night (it was a Friday Night after all) and couldn't wait to fall into bed in the morning.

There wasn't going to be much rest, because the crazy landlady has finally gone and done it. She was having an open house for potential buyers at 2 pm, which I didn't really need, as I wanted sleep. She came bursting in and knocking on the door – "David, you need to get up and clean your room!"

Those of you who know me will know that waking me up from my beauty sleep is never a good idea. "If you want my room cleaner than it is (I had actually cleaned it on Friday, and polished and dusted, and changed the sheets etc.) you clean it! I asked you not to wake me up, after my night shift!" I replied.

I know that it isn't the way you should speak to people, but I was very tired, and Sally doesn't actually listen to anything anyone says anyway, and I had told her the room was spotless, and I wouldn't be there when the open house was on.

Anyway, down to the beach I went. To my surprise there was a lot of people there, and a lot of activities going on. One of the events was Western Australian State Surf Life-saving Championships. I think it is a precursor to the National Championships that are happening in a couple weeks.

It is very interesting sport, with the competitors having to do running, swimming, paddling on a surfboard, and rowing an ocean kayak over a big course both on the beach and in the big waves of the water. As an avid watcher of sports, I was fascinated.

I had a snooze in the shade enjoying the sunshine, and the life-saving when my reverie was interrupted by the insistent ringing of my phone. It was Sally again "David – where is your rent money?" (I don't owe any rent this week, as I have already paid for a month 2 weeks ago.)

"Just leave me alone" I wanted to say, but kept my cool, and politely explained (again) that I pay her monthly, and I don't know what agreements she has with others, and no (again) I don't know when Hagen is going to pay her, and no (again) I will not pass her messages to everyone, because she needs to speak to them, and no (again) I am not off duty next weekend, and I am on nights, and would appreciate it if she didn't have an open house next Saturday.

It was very trying today. I don't know where I will live, but I can't wait to get out of here.

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