Thursday – Immigration is done

Well, 2 months and a couple days after I arrived, I've finally managed to log visa applications for Jane, Daisy and Analiese. It has been a lot of emails, and sending back and forth of all the paperwork that we need. Hopefully it is all straight forward from now. If it is like any other thing in Australia, it won't be completely straight forward.

I was going to get my glorious locks shaved from my head, but I passed on that when there was a long wait at the cheap barber shops, and I am not in the latest Forbes Rich list, so I think I'll get it done some other day.

I thought that I would update you on what autumn weather is like. Today was the first time (except for going to work) that I put on Jeans/Long trousers. The reason that I actually wore them was because I was going to a very posh building to lodge the immigration forms, and I don't want to look like a yokel.

On the radio today, there was a weather forecast for the capital cities in Australia. It must be the first time that I have heard another city in Australia with a higher temperature than Perth. Adelaide was giving temperature as 35 degrees, and Perth's was only a cool 29. What a relief.

Listening to the BBC radio, I hear that in the UK everyone is struggling with icy roads, and freezing temperatures. Hopefully, you aren't to green reading about my constant moaning about high temperatures.

Update on the housing situation - the landlady isn't taking the hint that I want to be left out of her disagreement with the other tenants. I am going to have to get a little more direct if it keeps up, and say "Leave me alone, I'm not staying!"

I'm going to have to get ready for work, so I'll have to leave today's update brief.

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